About Me

June 22-July 10 we will be in the Czech Republic to partner with Frydlant Church and do an English Camp. We will post periodically to update you all who are supporting us back home!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

From Stephanie

I've had so much fun on this trip. It has also been exciting and challenging. I've learned some things as well. First of all I've learned to be flexible. A few things happened that I just had to be completely flexible. I've also learned the great importance of prayer. Before the trip I'd been praying a lot for the students who would be coming and then I spent time praying while we were here. It's been amazing to see the results of that. At camp, there was a specific prayer room and we were to sign up to pray for an hour. It seemed like a long time- like i have to prayer continuously for an hour!! But it was very cool to just get away for an hour and to be by myself and just pray. So that's basically it. I've had a great time, and I am truly blessed to have been able to come to Czech again!!

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