About Me

June 22-July 10 we will be in the Czech Republic to partner with Frydlant Church and do an English Camp. We will post periodically to update you all who are supporting us back home!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

From Brittney

I was asked to write about how this trip went, what I learned while I was here, and this was a very hard question to answer. Since this is my third year coming to the Czech, I didn’t think it would have had a big effect on me, but what I realized is that I’ve never felt so satisfied with one of these trips in my life. After one of Matt’s speeches, he told us if we wanted to, to go out and think about our lives, who we are, what we stand for, and pray, pray for everything around us and moments before that the drama team preformed a skit so perfectly I wanted to break down, because I believe it was exactly how I believed God worked in my life. Day’s before one of my best friends got into an car accident, and is lucky to be alive, I wanted to come home-but God being the amazing person he is kept him safe and I was able to keep my mind on relationships at camp. Camp was an amazing experience, I got closer to the team, who is now apart of my family, and watching the students connect with each other and ask questions about God- two days into the camp, I knew we were doing what we were supposed to do while in the Czech, I am very lucky and honored to be able to spread God’s word, with people so special.

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