About Me

June 22-July 10 we will be in the Czech Republic to partner with Frydlant Church and do an English Camp. We will post periodically to update you all who are supporting us back home!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Off to Prague

Well everyone, we take the 8:15 train to Prague today. We'll arrive around 12:30, get settled in, play a little amazing race game to help the students learn their way around, eat some dinner, and have a team meeting to start preparing to come back home.

Tomorrow will be a free day for everyone to do some site-seeing and shopping around Prague, and then we'll have another meeting as a team in the evening.

Sorry we haven't been able to do many updates since before camp started! Today and tomorrow the students will be putting up some posts to fill you in more on how camp & follow up went.

See you soon!

1 comment:

Brad Steele said...

Great to hear from you and that things are going well!!! Can't wait to hear more!