About Me

June 22-July 10 we will be in the Czech Republic to partner with Frydlant Church and do an English Camp. We will post periodically to update you all who are supporting us back home!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

from Kyle

Tyler and I lead games for the evening gatherings

As trip is coming to an end, I’ve had some time to reflect on my experiences here. The students here have impacted my life so much. The biggest thing that I’ve learned here is the ease of communicating with the students despite the language barrier. I had great conversation with students who spoke next to no English. With a little bit of patience it is possible to translate what you are trying to say. Also, one thing that I realized is that the students are just like us. Sometimes it is so easy to go into another country and just think that because they live four thousand miles away, they must be so different. But they aren’t. They enjoy going out with their friends, watching baseball, playing sports, and so much more. It was completely eye opening to me to how oblivious I was towards their culture. I was not expecting to be discussing the latest movies that have come out or who my favorite Simpson character is. I treasure these conversations the most because they opened up some great friendships for me in the Czech Republic.

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