About Me

June 22-July 10 we will be in the Czech Republic to partner with Frydlant Church and do an English Camp. We will post periodically to update you all who are supporting us back home!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

From Ben Rathsam

One of the things I learned while on this trip is the power of prayer. For months we’ve been praying that God would open the hearts of the Czech students who would be attending English camp. We prayed that they would be open to the new ideas we were presenting to them. We prayed that God would give us strength and energy as we quickly became tired. We prayed for patience with each other as some people started becoming annoyed with other members of the group. Now as we rest in KFC on the last 24 hours of the trip I can thankfully say that God has answered all of these prayers. Some people are still tired of each other, but nobody hates each other or absolutely can’t stand to be with each other. Even though we are all tired God gave us enough energy to finish engish camp strong, and enjoy follow up. The students during English camp were incredibly open during camp. We had two people come to know Christ as their savior during camp. Two people in my English class who were atheists were asking the Czech youth leader a lot of questions about Christianity. So that was really cool!!

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